Dream Big and Realize your Dream!

Event On:

13th and 14th September 2021 @9.30AM - 11.00AM

The course link will be sent to the registered participants

For any additional details contact us at:

Technology Enabling Centre (TEC)

Centre for Technology Development & Transfer (CTDT)

Anna University, Chennai-600 025

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Entrepreneurship is setting up a business that offers a product or service to solve a problem for a profit. Entrepreneurship is about realizing your dream and becoming an employer rather than realizing someone else’s dream by working as an employee. The beginner’s course gives an overview of important Entrepreneurship topics:
  1.    Why entrepreneurship?
  2.    Product Idea generation techniques
  3.    How to get started with your startup
  4.    Creating an Elevator Pitch for your product / solution
  5.    10/20/30 Rule & Pitch Deck